How to post an ANZAC

Here are a few suggestions on how to add a name to the blog.

Write an email and send it to - ANZAC Blog

Place just the name of the person in the 'subject' of the email, which will then become the heading of your post. In the body of the email leave a blank line before and after the message and make sure that your email does not have any of the normal signatures and or postscripts that people often add.

Add enough information to identify the person but keep it short and simple. See the example of John George FRY. You can find some information on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission site and if you know the parents names it would be nice to add them. If you have a photograph (please keep it smaller than 100kb) just attach it to your email.

You don't have to be related to the person. They are all worth remembering and it would be a shame for their names to be lost. So if you should find an ANZAC somewhere why not put their name up here, they are all worth remembering.